Apr 29, 2008

On China

" The wave of repression and intimidation of human rights activists and dissidents in China in advance of the Beijing Olympics has also targeted homosexuals, according to China's best-known gay and AIDS activist.
In an email, Dr. Wan Yanhai reported that the month of March saw numerous police raids on gay gathering spots in Beijing and Shanghai, and he said that the evidence of a new pre-Olympic crackdown on gays is so widespread it is clear it is being orchestrated "at the national level."

A recent news article on Gay Rights in China

With the 2008 Beijing Olympics fast approaching, China really needs to clean up its act. It doesn't look like the added scrutiny of the west has helped the cause for civil rights in China as much as we hoped. Perhaps some gains for gay rights could have been made, but the recent waves of protest over Tibet seems to have stolen all the thunder; the government's renewed determination to silence all dissenters and nurse its wounded pride may well force gay rights activists back underground for many years.